Next Step

There is always a moment when we step to the next level of our lives.

When we do, we left part of ourselves behind. While at the same time, we get something new to go on.

That’s what’s gonna happen to me this very day. The last day of being a single man, and the first day of becoming a husband.

..the day when the halves finally become one.

17 tanggapan untuk “Next Step”

  1. @all: postingan ini saya buat beberapa saat sebelum akad, tgl 1 nopember kemarin.

    btw, postingan ini kok jadi kayak monolognya mohinder suresh ya?

  2. “When we do, we left part of ourselves behind. While at the same time, we get something new to go on”

    awh…. so sweet~~~

  3. aku juga ndak bisa. semoga langgeng sampe kaki nini ya mas jyum dan nyonyah.

    trus mana plurk2nya yang biasanya bertebaran? huahauhuahauha

    gum: iya, ndak apa2. tenkyu ya. kemarin masih fakir koneksi, jadi rada2 males ngeplurk. tapi tunggu aja bentar lagi :D

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